Why do we need to debug: WATCH POINT

  • Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at a particular point.
  • Not activated until contents of a specified field change.
  • It is a user specific hence does not affect other users running the same program.
  • It can only de defined in debugger and can be changed/deleted.
  • Up to 5 watch points can be set for a program.
  • Monitor contents of specific fields. They inform when the value of a field changes.
  • Conditions for activation of watch points can be set.
  • One can specify logical conditions between up to 5 conditional watch points.
  • Can be defined as either global or local.
    • A global watch point is active in all called program.
    • Local watch points are only active in a specified watch point.

How to create Watch-points:

Watch-point is for checking the runtime value of the program.
If the value of the any field (i.e. Struct_vbrk-VBELN = '9000000') then it will stop the program
Watch point Created for the particular value.

Changing field values at Run time:

Change the content of the field where you want to change from the 'OLD' value to 'NEW' value.

Then without pressing enter or doing anything, click on the 'Change Field Content' button. After this only the field value is permanently changed.

You can Insert, Delete and Append internal table at runtime.

Select the row and Click the insert/delete/append Button. The Particular row will be insert/delete/append.
The basic differences between append and insert the rows that append always insert in the last rows but insert can insert at any desired position.
In case of append it will always insert at last row. Enter the require data and click on save the button. It will save the record in the internal table

Changing contents of Internal table field:

If you want to change the particular field of particular row. Place the cursor on the field and press the change button. Now change the value of the field and press enter.

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